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  • klbell21

Final Presentation.

My project is about the minimum wage debate we have going on in the United States right now. It intrigues me just because I study economics as a hobby (lol). Personally, I do not believe we should raise the minimum wage, because I think it will hurt the economy rather than help it. However, there is a debate and it is important for all of us to have a conversation about it. It is important for both republicans and democrats to be open minded on the issue.

I had to do a lot of research about this topic. I listened to podcasts, debates, and even news cast about other opinions on the topic. I collected all the media I consumed and used it in my video. Hence the goal of my video. The goal was to start a conversation about the topic. I wanted people to watch my video and disagree with some things that were said. Vis Versa I also wanted people to watch my video and agree with some points. Overall, I wanted to start a conversation about the topic. That was my main goal, for someone to watch the video and have a dialogue with someone on the other end of the political spectrum. There were some controversial things said in the video, and that was done on purpose to force people to disagree or agree with their opinions. I also chose people who have a lot of credibility in field. Making it more controversial. People who see political leaders talking about the subject are more likely to jump into the conversation. Especially if you voted for one.

There are a lot translatios that someone needs to know in order to get my video. The main one being knowledge of the minimum wage debate. You need to understand that the minimum wage wants to be raised to $15 an hour. Another one that is needed is you need to know some of the political figures in the video. Trump, Bernie Sanders, and even Ben Sharpio make an appearance in the video. You also need to know digital storytelling. This is a hard concept for some people. You need to be able to watch the video and know that it is bouncing around ideas and debate points of the minimum wage topic. I needed to have the skills and knowledge of the modes and mediums of where to put this video. I also needed the skills to edit a video, and sound design a video and that was the hardest part.

The constraints of making a video is a lot of the time out of my control. During the editing of this project Premier (the editing software) crashed and I lost all my progress. Also, another constraint is editing the audio of the project. The audio was all over the place. Either it was too low or too hot on the clips and I had to match the volume and EQ (Equalizer) on all the clips. Turned out well. On the other hand some of the Affordances of making a video is that it is visual. It grabs people’s attention just because it is a video. A video is also easier to spread on social media.

That gets me into my last point. The audience of this video is directed toward people from the ages 25-35 in the work force. A younger demographic. The people who are struggling with minimum wage and love to debate about the topic are people in that age group. Also making a more dramatic video appeals to that generation. Combine that with political figures that age group would know makes for a perfect storm for that demographic. Also uploading this video to twitter where the mass majority of that demographic “Hangs out” is a huge benefit to me.

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