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  • klbell21

The Women Win (CCP1)

This is a powerful video. Nike is one of the only companies that challenges views of the majority. A few things pop out in this video. The first thing that is riddled throughout the video is images. The whole video is pictures, but why are pictures important in a video? The video includes 33 pictures. Pictures portray to the audience a snapshot of a moment. The audience feels like they are in that moment. Whether thats a snapshot of the stadium or a snapshot of the team celebrating the viewer feels like they are there with the team. Which is an important technique in order to convey your message. Enough about the pictures though. To understand this video the viewers need to be literate in a lot of areas. The most important thing is to know politics. Why would Nike make an advert for the Women's National team? Why is the message of "everyone wins" important. It all relates back to gender equality in America. More specifically the wage gap between mens and women's soccer clubs. The unfair pay. Another thing that must be known, but a little less important, is just the sport in general. Why women's soccer and not women's basketball? Well let me help you out. Historically the Women's Soccer team is better than the mens soccer team. They win, and still get paid less than the men. Also I think it is also important to mention that with my background of making sport videos is to know a little bit about production to really get the full message of the video.

Why is everything in black in white? Why did the director decide to leave the words small in the frame and centered? It all relates back to IMPORTANCE. Black and white is used to give an antique feel. A flashback feel. Which makes sense since the message that they are portraying stems from years ago. The words being alone in a black screen conveys hope and power behind the words. SO:

IF the audience doesn't have the knowledge of the politics behind the argument, and the knowledge of the women's National soccer team with the combination of some Producing Techniques THAN you will not get this piece of work. You will not get the message. You might not even care, which is a shame because the message behind the video is powerful.

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